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Why Athletes Need Protein

Athletes need a lot of protein because they are constantly doing exercises which tear and repair their skeletal muscle cells. Indeed, athletes cannot build muscle without achieving a ‘positive protein balance.’

In essence, this means that an athlete’s protein synthesis (their actual production of protein) must be greater than the destruction of muscle which the exercise causes.One of the best ways to boost protein synthesis is to consume protein after a workout.

Naturally, the type of protein consumed can be vitally important to an athlete. For instance, a double helping of peanut butter will provide an athlete with a great dollop of protein straight after their workout. However, the fact that there is about 9 grams of fat present in each spoonful of peanut butter makes it a very counter-productive option.

In fact, any athlete that is trying to lose weight, maintain good cardiovascular health or achieve lean muscle definition could find the fat, cholesterol and calories associated with many naturally occurring forms of protein to be more of a hindrance than a help.

That’s why so many athletes turn to protein supplements.Whey protein isolate (WPI) is effective, fat-free and filling. Quite simply, WPI is pure protein which has been designed to be absorbed efficiently and quickly. Fast absorption is important to athletes as it can affect the anabolic (i.e. muscle-building) qualities of the protein which they are consuming.

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