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New Fireworks for Birthday Celebrations


I think there is nothing more fun to mark any occasion than purchasing new fireworks and holding a display. We have just celebrated my daughter’s twelfth birthday and we decided that it would be great fun to end the night with a small firework display.
We checked in with the neighbors to let them know what was coming their way and they all seemed more than happy to let us set off the fireworks when the sun went down.

Always Buy Good Quality

I have always been a little fearful of fireworks but the ones we purchased were all excellent quality.  There were good instructions on the back and I researched how to hold a small display safely.  I gave the job of setting off the rockets to my husband who was only too happy to help.

All the kids had a great time playing in the garden until it went dark.  We had about 7 children and all our friendly neighbors popped over to join in with the festivities which were fantastic. My daughter had no idea that we were having a fireworks display until the last minute. At 9.30 pm we set off the roman candles which were followed by the fountains and the rockets.  It was all over far too soon and I wish we had purchased some more so the fun could have continued later into the night. It was a huge success and a brilliant end to the perfect day.

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